December, 2021
Is your CIS vendor disappointing your customers?
For many good reasons, utility consumer digital engagement is on fire. It’s finally easy (enough) to do many things online…
October, 2021
Five ways your customer engagement portal can improve customer satisfaction.
Rapid adoption of digital payments by consumers and mobile technology vs. desktop has raised the bar for what customers expect…
August, 2021
$250/mo for a running toilet!?
Those water leaks add up, costing you money and worsening the problem of drought. MyMeter looks for leaks and alerts…
July, 2021
Is your utility’s mobile app everything it should be?
Our MyMeter team works hard to anticipate trends and one which seems obvious has caught more than a few utilities…
July, 2021
MyMeter takes the guess work out of choosing a utility rate
MyMeter takes the mystery out of utility rates When you use a resource like electricity or water is often just…
June, 2021
Building trust in the age of electrification.
Outage notification is about much more than outages. Recent data suggests that over 60% of customers expect to know within…
May, 2021
Technology and Climate Change
Your mobile phone can play a surprisingly big part You may find it surprising that one of the most effective…
August, 2020
Aging Infrastructure and Water Conservation
The water industry’s infrastructure is in constant use, very much like the nation’s interstate system. There is never a moment…
August, 2020
Strengths-based Teams Need More Than Just Strengths
It’s not enough for teams to simply know their Strengths and then to “play” to those Strengths—that is like telling…